Kamile Geist, MA, MT-BC

In this podcast, the author reviews her own pilot research study which was conducted at the Ohio University lab school. Using music in the classroom to support emergent math skills in 3- and 4-year olds was shown to be an effective tool in prolonging student engagement with the teacher and the material. The results of the research are quite promising and have gained international recognition.


About the Author:

Kamile Geist, MA, MT-BC is known for her research endeavors in the area of music therapy and speech language co-treatment strategies as well as implications of music assisting children with logical thinking skills related to learning math. Her research is published in the Journal of Instructional Psychology, the Journal of Music Therapy, the Early Childhood Newsletter, the College Student Journal, and the prestigious early childhood education journal, Young Children. She speaks nationally and internationally on the topic of how to use music to support learning math skills for children 0-5. Contact: geistk@ohio.edu

Suggested Citation:

Geist, K. (Author). (2010, September 1). Music supporting emerging math with children ages 0-5. www.imagine.musictherapy.biz