Matt Logan, MA, MT-BC, Brianna Negrete, MM, MT-BC, and Chloe Kelleher, MA, CCLS

Can sick children play? Two music therapists and a child life specialist from UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in San Francisco discuss the importance of supporting play. The music therapy program is support by the Peterson Family Foundation. 


  • Bolig, R., Fernie, D. E., & Klein, E. L. (1986). Unstructured play in hospital settings: An internal locus of control rationale.Children’s Health Care, 15(2), 101-107.
  • Hendon, C., & Bohon, L. M.  (2007). Hospitalized children’s mood differences during play and music therapy. Child: Care, Health, and Development, 34, 141-144.
  • Piserchia, E. A., Bragg, C. F., & Alvarez, M. M. (1982). Play and play areas for hospitalized children. Children’s Health Care: Journal of the Association for the Care of Children’s Health, 10, 153-138.
  • Walworth, D. D.  (2009). The effects of developmental music groups for parents and premature or typical infants under two years on parental responsiveness and infant social development. Journal of Music Therapy, 46(1), 32-52.

About the Authors:

Matthew Logan, MA, MT-BC is a music therapist at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital San Francisco, specializing in hematology/oncology, bone marrow transplant, neurological rehabilitation, and palliative care. Contact:

Brianna Negrete, MM, MT-BC is a music therapist at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital San Francisco and works in the Intensive Care Nursery, Cardiac Intensive Care, Cardiac Transitional Care Units, and palliative care.

Chloe Kelleher, MA, CCLS grew up in her mother’s preschool and has 15 years of experience as an early childhood educator. As a child life specialist in the playroom at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, she works to promote therapeutic play opportunities for children and families.

Suggested Citation: 

Logan, M., Negrete, B., & Kelleher, C. (2018, September 1). Being playful in a pediatric hospital: Music therapy and child life perspectives. Retrieved from