Cathy Knoll, MA, MT-BC

There are many different approaches to music therapy in early childhood, and each situation may call for different techniques, strategies, and interventions. However, in this podcast, the author introduces seven basic principles that apply any time two or more pre-school children gather in a group, whether for education, therapy, or play.


  • Hughes, J., Rice, B., DeBedout, J., & Hightower, L. (2002). Music therapy for learners in comprehensive public schools systems: Three district-wide models. In B. Wilson (Ed.), Models of music therapy interventions in school settings (pp. 319-368). Silver Spring, MD: American Music Therapy Association.

  • Humpal, M., & Colwell, C. (Eds.). (2006). Early childhood and school age educational settings: Using music to maximize learning. Silver Spring, MD: American Music Therapy Association.

  • Smith, D., & Hairston, M. (1999). Music therapy in school settings: Current practice. Journal of Music Therapy, 36(4), 274-292.

  • Council for Exceptional Children at

  • Early at

  • Early Childhood Today at

  • U.S. Department of Education: Early Childhood at

About the Author:

Cathy Knoll, MA, MT-BC, has provided music therapy services to groups and individuals of all ages, including early childhood, in schools, residential facilities, clinics, and private practice since 1974. Cathy writes and produces daily podcasts for, writes and publishes professional on-line self-study courses for, and coordinates the AMTA.Pro Symposium series. Contact:

Suggested Citation:

Knoll, C. (Author). (2010, September 1). A beginner’s guide to circle time: Tips from a seasoned music therapist. Retrieved from